NL: Milestone Advocaten welcomes Martine Andreae

5 března, 2024
Please read this wonderful update from our member firm in Utrecht, Milestone Advocaten:
„Welcome Martine Andreae!
As of March 1st. Martine Andreae (employment law and tenancy lawyer) has joined Milestone Advocaten. We are very happy with that! With the arrival of Martine, Milestone Advocaten has four (very) experienced, expert employment lawyers in-house. And in addition to employment law, corporate law and accountancy law, you can now also contact us for tenancy law issues!“
Welcome to WLN, Martine!
You can learn more about Martine’s practice areas and experience here.
For further information, please contact:
Frouke Vlaskamp, Partner
Milestone Advocaten, Utrecht
t: +31 30 744 0477
#WLNadvocate #Milestone #Netherlands #Utrecht #lawfirm #lawyer #welcome #congratulations #employmentlaw #labourlaw #tenency law #realestatelaw