Cybersecurity-Gate: a discussion led by the WLN Technology Focus Group in London

  Reminding us that it is vital to be stringent in our efforts to protect our firms from cyber attacks, the WLN Technology Law Focus Group led an important discussion at our Spring Conference in London.  The panel comprised lawyers from around the globe, all sharing interesting insights from different regions. Thank you toZobrazit více

Warwick Legal Network
Juni 10th, 2024

UAE: Towards Sustainable Future: ESG reporting in the UAE and Saudi Arabia

  Human-Caused Climate Changes in the Middle East The Middle East region is among the world’s most exposed states to human-caused climatic changes. Recent reports have suggested that the Middle East region is warming twice as fast as the global average and many fear that the region may face aZobrazit více

Warwick Legal Network
Juni 5th, 2024

Baroch Sobota „sweets“

We are delighted with our new office, websites and …. sweets 🙂

Andrea Krásná
Juni 5th, 2024

NL: Hope, courage and pride. What does the Outline Agreement mean for employers and employees?

  Last month, the parties PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB published the Outline Agreement, with the title „Hope, guts and pride“. The parties are „breaking new ground“. But where does this road lead – in concrete terms – for employers and employees? An overview of the plans in the fieldZobrazit více

Warwick Legal Network
Juni 4th, 2024

WLN Litigation Focus Group Meeting

  On Tuesday 28th May the WLN Litigation Focus Group met to discuss hot litigation topics and to continue planning the group’s upcoming projects on the validity of electronic signatures and the digitilisation of court records. It was great to see our chair, Gloria Vinyals, leading the session; with Kevin Harrison, Sebastiaan Meeuwens,Zobrazit více

Warwick Legal Network
Mai 28th, 2024